Merge (horizontal)
Join the columns of two dataframes together.
Why Merge Datasets
Mito's merge functionality can be used to combine datasets together horizontally. Merge looks for matches between the key column of the first sheet and the key column of the second sheet.
Looking to combine datasets vertically by stacking rows on top of each other? You're looking to concatenate. Check out concatenate documentation here.
Looking to include use VLOOKUP like in Excel? Checkout the VLOOKUP formula documentation here.
How to Merge Datasets
Open the Merge Taskpane through the Home
tab by clicking Merge > Merge (horizontal
. Then, configure the merge taskpane:
Select the Merge Type:
Left Merge: Includes all rows from the first sheet and only matching rows from the second sheet. Includes all matches.
Right Merge: Includes all rows from the second sheet and only matching rows from the first sheet. Includes all matches.
Inner Merge: Only includes rows that have matches in both sheets.
Outer Merge: Includes all rows from both sheets, regardless of if there is a match in the other sheet.
Lookup Merge: Left join, but only includes the first match from the second sheet if there are multiple. Just like a Vlookup in Excel.
Unique in Left: Includes each row from the first sheet that doesn't have a match in the second sheet.
Unique in Right: Includes each row from second sheet that doesn't have a match in the first sheet.
Set the merge keys. These are the keys that must match for the rows to be merged. You can create as many merge keys as you want.
Then, optionally choose which columns from each dataset you want to keep in the final merge dataframe.
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