Creating and interacting with the Mito Spreadsheet component in Dash.
The Spreadsheet Component
To display a Mito spreadsheet in a Dash application, use the following code:
from mitosheet.mito_dash.v1 import Spreadsheet, activate_mito
from dash import Dash, html
import pandas as pd
app = Dash(__name__)
df = pd.read_csv('')
app.layout = html.Div([
html.H1('Empty Mito Spreadsheet'),
Spreadsheet(df, id={'type': 'spreadsheet', 'id': 'sheet'})
if __name__ == '__main__':
Activate Mito
After creating a Dash app instance, you need to activate Mito. This activation step simply sets up communication between the Mito frontend and the backend, and ensures that Mito works like a proper spreadsheet.
from mitosheet.mito_dash.v1 import activate_mito, Spreadsheet
from dash import Dash
app = Dash(__name__)
Spreadsheet Component API
After you have activated Mito, you can now create a Spreadsheet component. It has the following API:
Pass any number of Pandas dataframes or paths to CSV files that will be displayed by in the Mito spreadsheet.
An necessary key that uniquely identifies this component as a spreadsheet with a unique ID. Must be a dictonary the the keys type and id, where type: spreadsheet and id is a unique string.
if you pass Pandas dataframes through the args, then optionally include the names of these dataframes in this list. This makes Mito generated code more correct.
If you want to register callbacks based on selection changes in the sheet, set this to True. Has a performance impact on scrolling through your data.
Callback Props and Types
Like any other Dash component, the Spreadsheet component allows you to make your Dash app interactive by registering callback functions. However, to give you a better callback experience, Mito works slighly differently than default dash callbacks.
A simple interactive example
Mito works differently in that it requires you to use the @mito_callback decorator when you're subscribing to Input or State changes from a Mito spreadsheet.
Only two valid props you can subscribe to for the Mito component are:
spreadsheet_result: returns the SpreadsheetResult class defined below.
spreadsheet_selection: returns the data that is currently selected in the Mito spreadsheet.
Both of these properties do not return JSON that you need to parse. Rather, they return the actual objects you want to use - resulting in a much better developer experience than having to parse various types of JSON.
The SpreadsheetResult object
The SpreadsheetResult object gives you access to:
dfs: The dataframes generated by the analysis
code: The code generated by the analysis
selection: The currently selected cells in the mitosheet
analysis: A RunnableAnalysis object to help rerun the analysis on new data. To learn more, see the RunnableAnalysis documentation.
from typing import List
import pandas as pd
from mitosheet.mito_dash.v1 import mito_callback, SpreadsheetResult, activate_mito
Output('output', 'children'),
Input({'type': 'spreadsheet', 'id': 'sheet'}, 'spreadsheet_result'),
def update_output(spreadsheet_result: SpreadsheetResult):
# The code that corresponds to the
code: str = spreadsheet_result.code()
# The current dataframes in the mitosheet
dfs: List[pd.DataFrame] = spreadsheet_result.dfs()
# The currently selected data in the Mito sheet
selection: Optional[Union[pd.DataFrame, pd.Series]] = spreadsheet_result.selection()
Below are examples of common uses of the Mito spreadsheet component in a Dash application.
Empty Mito Spreadsheet
from mitosheet.mito_dash.v1 import Spreadsheet, activate_mito
from dash import Dash, html
import pandas as pd
app = Dash(__name__)
app.layout = html.Div([
html.H1('Empty Mito Spreadsheet'),
Spreadsheet(id={'type': 'spreadsheet', 'id': 'sheet'})
if __name__ == '__main__':